Healing Tree Therapies and Shamanic Practice
Healing Tree Therapies and Shamanic Practice

Workshops and tuition
I am happy to do one to one tuition or group bookings.
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki
I offer workshops in Usui Reiki Level I , II , & III
Level I
In this course we will study the man who rediscovered the wonderful energy that was later known as Reiki .
What is this energy?
why were you drawn to do this course?
You will learn the Reiki hand positions and how to do a Reiki treatment on yourself and on others.
Who is Reiki suitable for?
We will discuss whether Reiki is for healing or for a self growth and development
We also focus on the five precepts on which Reiki is founded.
Meditation to meet you Reiki guide
Meditation to merge with the reiki energy
What are chakras and the subtle bodies.
Exercises to help you to feel others energies.
Reiki I attunement..
Price -£100 for 2 day workshop (concessions available)
Price for distance learning-£50
Price includes venue , snacks , hand written manual , attunement , certificate and tuition.
Reiki Level II Practioners course
In this course we discover the symbols used in Reiki ,what they are used for , and how to draw them.
We Focus more on the 5 precepts and which one you have most trouble with in your everyday life.
It is a time to reflect on your growth since receiving the Reiki I attunement and why you have decided to now learn the next level of Reiki.
What is distance healing and how to send Distance healing to others , sending it back and forward in time , sending healing to a concept or, place or the planet.
Also we will discuss setting up a Reiki practice and about energy exchange.
2 day workshop price -£150
Price for distance learning-£75
Reiki Level III- Master/Teacher
This is also called master level or teacher level. When a person reaches this level they will have a great handle on Reiki and may have discovered there own style of practising this energy.
After this course you will be able to attune others to Reiki .
You will learn about the fourth Reiki symbol and what it is for and meditate to meet with the energy of this symbol.
We will discuss why you have chosen to progress to Master Level Reiki and where you want to progress to lead after.
What is A Reiki Master and the responsibilities that come with this title.
Practise of the attunement process.
2-day Price - 250
Distance learning price £150
All three courses can be taught one to one or in a group setting. I am happy to have a meeting before you decide to be taught by me , to enable you to ask questions and see if you like my style of teaching.
I take the role as your guide to Reiki and other healing energy systems seriously and will offer continuing support before and after the workshops.

I am an accredited Skhem Heka Teacher who has trained with the systems founder Storm Constantine and am a member of the Iseum. All students training with me will be also accredited to teach this system if they wish to reach the teaching level.
This is a full length course, with in depth training, generally on a one-to-one basis with student and teacher, unless small groups of friends wish to train together. Students taking Sekhem Heka to Master/Teacher level are endorsed by the Iseum to teach it. Storm .This course can be studied as a distance learning course or part workshop part home study.For more information click on title to go to sekhem page
Dolphin Trilogy Reiki Workshops and Distance attunements
This a three Level Healing and self -development. Reiki System that puts us in tune with the dolphins and our higher self. The first is Dolphin Reiki, the Second is Orca Reiki and the third is Dolphin Crystal Reiki. Each Level is a stand alone healing system.
This first workshop will include making a dolphin journal, making a dolphin healing rune, Meditations,and an attunement .Also we will discuss why dolphins are so special.You will recieve a certificate for this course.
Each workshop is one day from 11am - 4pm
Price £30