Healing Tree Therapies and Shamanic Practice
Healing Tree Therapies and Shamanic Practice

My Journey
Hi thank you for your interest
My childhood was a happy one until the age of seven when my mother died of a heart attack , my father had already died when I was one year old.
I was lucky to have then been offered a place to live by an older sibling.
It was very strange but when I was told my mother would not be coming back - I understood immediately.
At about the age of 10 my inner voice seemed to tell me that there was alot more to meat eating than adults talked about.As i grew older i began to see the relationship that alot of westerners have with animals,ie that they dominate and have very little respect for the animals they consume or for the environment in which both people and animal live. From this point my interest grew in all aspects of animal use including that of conventional western medicine (animal testing etc.) Over the coming years my interests grew and developed in what else there was as an alternative to this type of medicines, of toiletries and beauty products and general as I wasn't wanting to consume medicines that animals had died for me to consume.

My interests grew into herb use and other complementary medicines. Also my spirit grew along side this and in my mid teenage years my interests grew in in other spiritual practices, firstly that of the spiritualist church, and then into paganistic-(wicca) practices.
I was then struck down with ill health for about eight years in my twenties and as i recovered i decided to train for a new career and enrolled on an ITEC (International therapy Examination council)Course in Anatomy , physiology and Body Massage.This training has t went in depth into the physiology of the human body and its systems. I completed this course in July 1999. With the intent of going onto the aromatherapy course.
My partner and i had the happy news that we were to have a baby.This lead me into a whole new direction of childcare and all the westernised ideas that go along with it,formula, immunisations,weaning of parent from child,school etc. Our family has now grown to three children.This in itself has been a steep learning curve and has lead to my skills of kindness ,patience, listening and loving growing enormously.
In between my pregnancies and raising my children I have managed to learn and practice other Healing Arts.
Soon after moving back to leicester, i ran into a friend who was very knowledgeable and skilled in shamanic techniques introduced me to the cosmos of the shaman , as I was being "hounded" by animal spirits and was puzzled as to what to do about it.
My friend had been trained by a number of different practitioners , and mixed Native Practices and teachings from the Americas . Under him my knowledge and basic shamanic skills developed. He introduced me to my spirit guide and the world of spirit, smudging and simple ceremonies.
From then on my skills grew and shamanic practice became part of my daily life. My relationship with spirit grew, and it guided me towards the people I met and who trained me further.
In 2002 I learnt Reiki and reached Reiki Master /Teacher level in July 2003.
Another friend who has undergone extensive training with John and Catlin Mathews has also taught me a variety of shamanic practices from that of the Celts, and we have worked together over many years.

My interests and knowledge expanded and drew me to Sekhem and Seichim, of which i reached Master/ Teacher level in 2003 .
After using crystals for many years I decided that it would be good for me to learn more about them so In July 2007 I qualified in Holistic Crystal Therapy at South Leicester College

My interests and knowledge have lead me to working with nature based energies and spirits of nature, especially trees , plants , animals and crystals.
I have completed master teacher level in numerous multidimensional healing modalities , including Dolphin Trilogy Reiki, Ocean Friends, Fairy Reiki , Unicorn , Mermaid and Nature Devas systems, Celtic Reiki, Ancient Egyptian Energy Systems and I work with a huge variety of animal energies and guides.
My interests in Egyptian energies lead me to study to teacher level Sekhem Heka, a system of natural healing and self-development .The founder Storm Constantine lives near and so trained in person with her . The system incorporates a lot of visualizations and meditations. It will take you on a very deep healing journey.
I have built my Healing Arts experiences and training and relationships with my guides over the last 20 years and would never presume to know it all. That although I now teach most of these healing and self development practices, I am still learning ,that it is a life long process.
Being a therapist/ healer / practitioner/ Teacher involves a life long journey in learning, and of self healing and spiritual development.
I believe I can learn as much from my students and clients, as they hopefully can from me.
I received my first certificated shamanic training from Ross Heaven, I really enjoyed the course, it aided my own personal healing and development plus introduced me to new techniques and i studied areas that i knew very little about and developed further those ideas and relationships i already had.
A couple of years ago i was lucky enough to cross paths with a beautiful and knowledgeable teacher and healer who lead a week of ceremony based on teachings from the beauty way, mixed first nation teachings from the North Americas, including teachings and animal totems of the medicine wheel, fire ceremony, medicine bag ceremony, dreaming ceremony , native teachings circle.
In the tradition of this tradition i presented this teacher with a request that she become my teacher...she spend four days and nights as is traditional to consider my request. She has now been my teacher for over a year and i expect this to continue for a number of years. In this tradition an apprentice usually lives with the teacher for 7 years..so it will take quite some time for her to pass these teachings down to me.
I have been initiated into the Nine Munay Ki Rites . These are very powerful Rites past down to us by the South American Elders to higher a persons vibration to help bring the planet into the new age. These Rites were powerful in helping me to connect to new guides and has helped spark past life healing and remembering. I still grow and feed my Rites , through full moon fire ceremony.
A number of years ago i started to attended a feminine circle whose teachings are based on Jamie Sams original clan mothers work. I have recently started to work personally with the clan mothers spirits for personal guidance, healing and support.
I have completed training with Leo Rutherford on How to Hold and Run a Sweatlodge.
I have been very fortunate and blessed to have trained in the inner dance process, this process helps with my own ongoing personal healing and development. I have had a couple teachers, one being Pi Villaraza the founder of inner dance process, who supported me through Skype and personal messaging throughout my journey , and also with Dawn McCaffery and Katie Holland. I have been sitting with my own process now since it travel to the UK from the Phillipines. I hold inner dance process workshops and include plant spirits such as Cacao .
My interest has gone towards plants, herbs and tress. My journey towards the menopause has had me seek out plants which can help me to remain in balance with my emotions, my mind and within my body. I feel i am being led into a new transition . I am undergoing plant spirit and herbal medicine training.
For a number of years I was involved with Leicester Aids Support Services where I give treatments to clients who live with HIV and AIDS.
I have treated a wide range of animals including rats , horses and dogs , babies , toddlers , children, teenagers and elderly people.
I am lucky enough to have been ask to attend 4 births of babies, 3 of which were home births and one in a hospital.
I now run courses and workshops in Reiki, Seichim,Sekhem and Sekhem Heka, Crystals and shamanism, Munay Ki Rites and Inner Dance facilitating.
I also offer attunements and healing sessions in wide variety of energy systems , shamanic techniques, and massage.
I run meditation and relaxation classes, and a monthly shamanic circle.
if you have any questions or are interested in anything i do, please contact me and i will get back to you as soon as i can.
MY Qualifications
-Diploma in contemporary and cross-cultural shamanic studies
-ITEC in Body Massage,Anatomy and Physiology.
-VTCT Level 3 Diploma in Holistis Crystal Therapy.
IPTI -Practitioner Diploma in Hopi Ear Candles
IPTI-Practitioner Diploma in Traditional Indian Head Massage.
VTCT-Level 3 Diploma in Health , Safety, security and Employment Standards.
-Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho -First Degree, Second Degree, Master /teacher practitioner- of the Usui system of Natural Healing
-Reiki, Seichim and Sekhem Ancient Egyptian Energy Healing-First Degree, Second Degree, Advanced Level, Master Practitioner, Master Teacher Level.
-Seichim -First Degree, Second Degree, Master Teacher level.
Sekhem Heka System of Natural Healing and Self-development- Tchaas Accredited Teacher Degree
Egyptian Cartouche Mastery Level
-Angel Reiki Teacher
-Dolphin , Sekhem, seichim, Reiki master
-Sekhem, Seichim, Reiki Master level (S-S-R)
Seven facet Seichim
-Training in How to Hold and Run a Sweatlodge.
Etheric Accupunture Teacher/master
-Ocean Friends Reiki
Crystal Deva Teacher
Celtic Reiki
Dolphin Trilogy Reiki Teacher
Magical Shaman Lightworker Programme teacher.
Fairy Lightworker Programme Teacher
fairy Realms Reiki teacher
I hold a cerificate of completion and training and attunement for many many other energy systems
Level 3 Diploma in Health , Safety, security and Employment Standards.
I have over 20 years of living and working shamanically. I am experienced in techniques taught by catlin and john mathews , hold teachings, knowledge of ceremony of mixed Native American practices,including the deer tribe ,scenca and the most recent being cherokee , from my present teacher White Star Women, of the flower eagle medicine lodge.
I have completed Shamanic Healing and training with Ross Heaven , and hold
-Diploma in Classic and Cross-Cultural Shamanic Studies.
I have, for the passed few years been attending a Clan Mothers circle. A feminine spirituality development circle based on the works of Jamie Sams , The 13 original clan mothers, and started to work with the clan mothers on a personal level.
please note that I am also a registered child-minder and so have an enhanced CRB check to work with children.